Friday, 29 May 2009

Reading pulp fiction and something other than that

I read this book "Glamour" by Louise Bagshawe.

Now, I really like the idea of this book, three girls find devastation in their lives, but struggle through to become wildly successful with their luxury items chain store called Glamour. Very similar storyline to the other book of hers I read recently. However, I must say, books written in this style, (which appear to be catering for people with a reading age below 12) are a bit of a waste of an idea, because there is no poetry in the words. I enjoyed the storyline; I love Cinderella/ rags to riches stories, but there was just no depth to the language. The girls were forever blushing, and were always enjoying hours and hours of rolling around on satin sheets with their famous, rich soulmates. It wasn't very realistic and there were no memorable sentences. I yearn to read memorable sentences, and I am going to begin looking for more books that have them. Do you know any good ones?

Here is a special book I found for a dollar, second-hand.

A collection of stories about family from a bunch of Australian authors. The story"Madonna of the Streets" by Gary Crew is WOW. Beautiful, mystical and uplifting. Worth reading the whole book, if you can get your hands on it. Now this book has memorable sentences.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea - memorable sentences. I read so much non-fiction that the phrase makes me yearn to read good quality fiction again.


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