Thursday, 12 January 2012

Taking Down the Christmas Tree

One of the bloggers I follow was talking about what to do with the pretty boxes from their Christmas presents, and I thought I'd show you what I do - store Christmas decorations in them!

I was lucky to get a Scarlet ghd hair straightener from Jonathon and Jack and it was in such a pretty box! One side opens out when you take off the lid, so I stored all the soft material decorations in that one.

My Mum bought me a pair of sparkly black shoes, and all my round baubles went in that box:

Jonathon and Jack also bought me a pair of shoes, and a bunch of pretty ornaments went in that box:

I received a star shaped Christmas platter from one of the children in my class, and I used that box to store small metal and wooden decorations:

Our friend Richard gave us this box of amazingly beautiful smelling aroma reeds (oh gosh, if you could just smell them!) and I put all our delicate paper decorations in that box:

My Dad and stepmum Jane gave me Heidi Klum's yummy new perfume Shine, so I put all the Christmas cards we received into that box.

You know the clear boxes that hold star bows? I filled two of those with more decorations. One has precious decorations that Jack made when he was in Pre-Primary.

And I got this box of Lindor chocolates for Christmas which is good for holding fragile and little ornaments:

So now the Christmas decorations are all packed away for another year. By the way, when they were on the tree they looked like this:

Oh, such a lovely time is Christmas!


  1. This is such a great idea—thank you for sharing! Your blog is always lovely... hope your new year is off to a great start!


  2. love my GHD! Good on you for storing all your decorations properly, mine are all shoved in the one container! I LOOOOOVEd your tree... so beautiful

  3. What a great way to reuse the boxes!


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