Friday 4 January 2013

365 Days in Nature 4

When we went camping in November with our church group, 
the boys made a campfire which was so toasty and warm. 
We had hot chocolates and toasted marshmallows of course!

Soooo relaxing. Best night of the year I think!

You can see some more nature pics at The Happy Shutterbug and The 365 Project.

Love to you!


  1. I love campfires! That was always my favorite part of camping. Nothing like ending the day around a campfire.

  2. Those flames look like they're leaping out at me.
    I've never seen a campfire, but I did love bonfires at 21st out in the country!

    1. Campfires, bonfires - I think they're the same thing, except bonfires are way bigger.:)


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