Monday 15 March 2010

Marie Antoinette

Just watched this DVD and delighted in the colour and decadence. Kirsten Dunst was perfect for this role and looked stunning. I have to share some pics.

Pretty pretty pretty!

And here's a Marie Antoinette inspired video that I first saw over at Bits of Beauty.

Acid Girls - Lightworks OFFICIAL VIDEO dir. Steven Ilous from Steven Ilous on Vimeo.


  1. how fun would that movie been to make?! Have you seen Alice in Wonderland yet? I LOVED it!!! I have just made 2 of those dolls that you showed on your blog a while back... Made the girl with the crown. Ill show on my blog next week. Loved them but didnt want to spent $160~!!!!

  2. Oh, I'm jealous - we still haven't seen the movie because we've been so busy with work. You've made one of the dolls??!! I've got to see this! So exciting!!

  3. i havent seen this movie yet, but from the photos, it looks like a fantastic one!


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