Sunday 21 February 2010

Some things I have wanted for a long time

Aaah, I finally have them! Two black Hemnes bedsides from Ikea. Simple, elegant. And I put them together myself! Oh the joy!

Here they are in action in their new home. Yay!


  1. oooowwww i love them ...they are definately on my list for the UTE trip across the water to IKEA in Melbourne...later this year of course ..when i see how much budget i have left for the house...but i plan a huge Garage Sale for getting rid of the "gatherings"... love ya back on line soon..nearly all set up,

  2. Have been missing your posts. Hope you're settling in to your new home. Love Wendy xx

  3. ohhh I want some! I have daggy old ones!


Thanks for leaving me a message. You have made my day! xx