Monday, 18 August 2014

Monday, 11 August 2014

What Are You Reading?

Hello! Two weeks in a row I've posted; I'm on a roll!
This week you can find my reviews for these books at my blog Owl Book Reviews:


I am now onto the biggest read of my To-Be-Read shelf because I want to sell a heap of my books in a sale at my school. I know it's nice to keep them all, but it's for a good cause. I will only be holding onto books I've given a five star rating, because they are close to my heart. Besides, it leaves me heaps of space for new books, hee, hee. (My hubby's already worried that I'll take 200 books to the sale and come back with 300. It's quite possible too!)

So you will be seeing a lot of reviews for books that have sat for a very long time, because I always tend to read new titles or recommends rather than ones I've picked up second hand. I have stacked all the ones I expect to sell by my bed, and it looks quite daunting, but it will be an enjoyable challenge.

Before I get back to it I'm off see the latest book reviews from my friends at Sheila's blog;

where I know I will get a ton more recommends. Ah, me, what's a girl to do?

Until then...

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

What Are You Reading?

I'm still alive! I know, I know, I never post on my blog anymore, but I always want to and just never have the time. Still I'm here to let you know that I'm reading more than ever, and have started posting my reviews again on my blog Owl Book Reviews. You can read my reviews for these books there:


And in exciting news...I met Robin Hobb!!!!! She was at Supanova in Perth in July and I was just beside myself waiting to meet her. I could feel myself welling up while I was in line, and I just had to hold it back, but I was trembling the whole time. I really wanted to hug her! Authors are the new rock stars.

Next week her new book Fool's Assassin is released and I cannot wait! I've already read the ibooks sample, so now I'm truly pumped!

Popping over to Sheila's awesome blog now to catch up with some old reading friends:

Until next time...


Wednesday, 8 January 2014

It's 2014!

I'm back!!!  It's the New Year and I thought I'd  have a go at getting back into my blog. Those wonderful people who have been here before will notice I've given the blog a makeover by sharing a pic, from our recent camping adventure, of the beach at Geraldton. I really love taking photos of pretty landscapes. 

 Also, I've chosen a word to inspire me this year:

I chose this word because, although I spend a lot of time thinking, researching, and planning, I don't always feel confident about seeing my ideas through.
Well, this year I'm going to be more decisive and actually get things done!

Some of the to dos on my list are:

Eat healthy and exercise daily
Shop ethically and chemical-free
Hand in reports before everyone else!
Clear the clutter in our shed 
Clear the clutter in the study
Renovate the kitchen!!!
Keep up with my blog
Share adventures we've had in the last six months!

There are other things I have in mind,
but I don't want to jinx myself too much by sharing them yet!

Have you chosen a motivational word for the year?
Share it here!

I'll write again soon. Hugs xxx