In my mind, I pictured them to look like this for eternity (as you do) and then I spotted some recent pics and was shocked at how thin Curt looks (Roland still basically looks the same so the contrast between 80s Curt and 2011 Curt is even more pronounced.) He's very handsome, it's just, he looks so different.
So, while I recover from that, here are some songs:
and this one just makes me happy whenever I hear it, which is rare:
Now for a recent live vid, where you can really see how thin, mature and non-popstarish Curt is (you have to remember he is in his 50s). I love, love, LOVE the choir and the orchestra in this: goosebump stuff!
And for something a little different, I found a mash-up of two songs, one by Tears for Fears, Woman in Chains, mashed with Kings of Leon's Sex on Fire, created by dj lobstermash. If you are familar with both of these songs, you will realise how clever this is. (If the first half doesn't grab you, go to about 3.40 for the best bit. Brilliant!)
Okay, so I have overindulged in Tears for Fears!
For some totally different, and yet still great musical choices, pop over to Thea's blog where her Sunday Session link up is rocking!